Gee…I wonder!?
Great catch by the guys at 850TheBuzz! Will wonders ever cease?
Ken Tysiac has more on ‘Bannergate 09’ linked here.
There was company for N.C. State in its misery. Louisville’s 1980 title is listed, but its 1986 championship is not. UCLA won 11 titles, but only six are listed.
850’s picture is below. (If you guys have a problem with us linking it like this please just tell us)
In other ‘1974 news’ comes this great piece about David Thompson from Scott Fowler.
But most of all, I think of Thompson in midair.
Thompson’s nickname was “Skywalker.” He often crossed his legs while soaring, so in some photographs it looked like he was walking on air. He once dunked a ball so fiercely as a pro that he shattered the backboard and missed the rest of the game because of all the glass lodged in his hair.
Because Thompson is generally considered the best basketball player in ACC history, the mythology surrounding him has flourished like kudzu. To separate myth from fact, I spent an hour with Thompson this week — after reading his autobiography and talking with a few other folks about him.
Before we start sorting, however, listen to one quote from Larry Brown, the current Charlotte Bobcats coach. Brown has seen most every basketball player worth seeing over the past 40 years and coached many of them, including Thompson for several of his best years as a pro.
“David Thompson,” Brown said, “was Michael Jordan before there was a Michael Jordan.”
For more of our archived David Thompson entries you can click on “DT” in the ‘Tags’ below and surf to your hearts’ content.